

  • Individual Coaching

    I work with Cycle Breakers.

    Break limiting cycles from the generations before you.

    Give back the stories that were never yours to begin with.

    Reclaim YOU.

  • Mother Daughter Support

    Women have so much pressure put on themselves. How can this not impact the mother daughter relationship?

    I believe that understanding of the self leads to greater connection with those around us, and that is exactly where we focus in Mother-Daughter coaching. You will co-journey together into understanding what cycles you hope to break both as individuals and as women in the mother daughter relationship.

  • Cycle Breakers Women's Circles

    Chances are, if you are here, you have cycle breaker energy within you.

    Join together with other women as we work together to let go of an unhelpful past, and create a life-giving future.

    This is my most beloved and sacred offering.

    I’d love to have you join us.

As a woman, whether you’re a daughter, a mother, or both, something inside you seeks your attention; a little nudge, a quiet voice. Even if it feels insurmountable or selfish, some tiny part of you, the size of a grain of sand, imagines a different life for yourself. You are tired of worry and fear making decisions in your life. You are tired of lying awake in the middle of the night worrying if you upset someone or didn't help enough. You want to have more time for yourself whether its for your hobby, your work, or just to be without feeling guilty for taking up space. You want to stop putting your needs last. You find yourself wishing you could just say "no" to others, "yes" to yourself, and believe in your heart it's really okay. You wonder if you can ever believe you are enough and live more fully.

There are real systemic reasons why you feel these things.  Women have often been taught to: focus on caring for others, 'be nice', don't ask for too much, don't shine too brightly, and don't be selfish. As a Coach for women, I help you to break cycles that leave you feeling empty, unfulfilled, and limited in your life. I will help you clarify what you want to change and how to make choices and decisions you can take to move you forward in a new way. You will be creating new vitality and growth in your life in a sustainable and achievable way that nourishes and empowers you to break through the old ways, releasing what is no longer serving you.

There is the possibility of a life where you reclaim your true Self and give yourself permission to set your mind and heart free. 

Cultivating the cycle breaker inside of you